Natural Gas Billing System for Industrial Consumers
Promgas - Software application is designed to account the natural gas consumption by legal entities.
Promgas software application performs:
- Keeping of contractors database taking into account agreements with different natural gas suppliers;
- forming of payroll schema regarding the general layout of gas distribution network;
- calculating volumes of supply, accruing supply and transportation fees including advanced payments;
- keeping information about payment including import of data from client-bank system;
- forming of information about payments including balance for each client and structured debts with information of periods, types of agreements etc;
- live (daily) calculation of actual consumption volume;
- live (daily) monitoring of limits;
- interaction with accounting system of individual consumers and data connection with general gas distribution system;
- data acquisition about overall volumes supplied, in total and distributed into connections (gas distribution plants and gas distribution systems);
- storage of information on technical account means in gas transition organization networks;
- balance of gas calculation including total and distributed in plants and systems, taking into account data of consumption by industrial companies and of transitions by other participants of gas transportation system.
All basic and auxiliary characteristics are stored in active mode for calculations, they have their interval of execution and history of their change is logged. The system stores all history of changes. Data recorded in the system cannot be corrected and deleted without due information in history log. Moreover any change requires authorization. When data are submitted the user is recorded in the history with operation date. System shows the volume of natural gas and gives information from connection points of gas transporting organization. System gives indications of total volume of natural gas supplied through transporting organization network with information about metering point.
Competition advantages::
- Consolidation of data about supplied volume to facilities of transportation organization, industrial companies, individuals other licensed providers of natural gas.
- Forming of aggregate balance on transportation organization and immediate calculation for given time period.
- Providing the transit volumes with distribution on certain connection points.