Housing fee

"Megabilling" system is designed for calculation of multi services, including housing fee (when one bill carries several services) for managing companies (Russia) and for apartment blocks joint owners association (Ukraine), it gives the opportunity to solve a number of issues connected with housing and public utilities, reduce a load to a consumer and a managing company regarding the tariff structure. Taking into account the fact that initially the system was designed for monopoly corporations for mono service (e.g. electricity only or natural gas only), the accuracy of the systems matches the most strict requirements of the industry. We managed to bring all advantages of mono system to multi system including efficient technologies and methodology of different advanced corporations - providers of different utility assets (gas, energy, heat, water and housing). All these stipulated for a state of the art solution meeting the highest requirements and successfully competing with foreign billing systems.
As an example of an issue which "Megabilling" system can easily solve is calculation of losses of house metering device for any of service provided to a block of apartments, the so-called instant balance of the asset after the accounting period (a month) is over. It is clear that this is impossible when a part of readings from apartment metering devices are absent. It means that the result would be not accurate at all. It is like eating an underripe apple. All missing readings which are fixed in future will be faulty deemed as losses. As the result the consumers have to pay for "underripe apples" - non-consumed assets. And when the algorithm of losses distribution changed - those who were due payers turned to be cheated. Because they have never got paid money back.

To solve this issue "Megabilling" system extrapolates data of consumed assets from past periods. It gives immediate results. A small amount of unbalance will be just the real amount of losses or the so-called assets wasted on general needs. This amount will be covered by the apartment owners, especially if they are provided with the calculation protocol. The weak point here is the recalculation of a consumer when he provides readings. This issue can also be solved due to automated recalculations in "Megabilling" system. Consumers can do it themselves, on providing the system with actual readings via Internet or SMS. Meter's readings can be read any time, it does-not influence the instant balance calculation and individual consumption of a consumer.
Yet another issue peculiar to managing companies - payments to service suppliers - natural monopolies. "Megabilling" accounts agreements and payments made to service providers, it gives real-time information on asset consumed by a managing company and how it was distributed among consumers, how mush consumers paid for asset and how much the managing company paid. It means that "Megabilling" makes internal account for a managing company completely transparent from a moment the asset supplied to completion of payment to suppliers, which is very important for financial control.

Structure of the system
Communication between consumers and housing and public utilities is very vital. Continuous growth of tariffs, together with purchase prices for commodities growth given the fixed income of people can lead to a social crisis. To avoid this the tariffs includes everything.
Tariff constituencies:
- Commercial losses – unpaid money of disadvantaged people or dodgers.
- Technical losses while asset transportation through worn out networks.
- Official and non official clearing of debts by utility services.
- Overcosts due to ineffective management inside the utility service facilities.
- Prime cost of asset itself.
- Corruption.
Housing and public utilities reform in Russia which is constantly copy-pasted in Ukraine. It means everything that the companies like Gazprom or RAO Unified Energy System of Russia couldn't do the managing companies must do. This is accruals, forming, printing and delivery of bills, canceling and resuming service, connection of users, funds collection including commission fee to banks, repair of housing networks and payment for losses, substitute and sealing of meters, readings taking. Unified bill in the system of one-window for verification of data on all types of services also requires costs and special software solutions.
To pay for it the managing company allocates these costs to the services. Besides that, the prime cost of it is in the tariff for water, gas and electricity. Thus the users pay twice for transit services (gas, water, electricity): first they pay for overhead costs of the managing company, then costs of assets which include these overhead costs.
But the fact that these costs are paid twice does not mean the due quality of the services provided. The situation is quite opposite. A part of these works is not done properly or without due performance, this is accounted for by the fact of absence of an effective technology and satisfactory software solution both in resellers - managing companies and corporations - service providers./p>
Software solution screen shots

Megabilling 5.х.х. - A billing multi system for all types of utility services accounting.
A software solution which visualizes all houses in the city with users who are registered and consume any types of utility services.
The system presents one environment for everybody. A virtual world. Passport offices, Technical Inventory Bureau, Department of Architecture, banks and other services operate in one informational environment of the city information processing center. Information input made by any service can be used by other users.
Clients have access to one-reference window and readings of meters for different services located at one address are taken by one operator. One bill is for all services.
Each service can edit, change and add data. Transfer of houses from one managing company to another is done inside unified information environment. Archives of initial documents, video registration files, e-signatures, e-money, development of Internet service are growing. Information obtained from houses' and individual meters accounting consumption of electricity, gas, water and waste water, housing fee etc is processed.
Commercial features::
- Registration of blocks of flats and private houses in the system provides detailed information on every registered house.
- Each house accounting distributes losses among users' bills.
- One unified bill is formed (it bears total amount with detailed accruals on each service and each meter).
- The system store results of inspections, canceling and resuming service, connection of users and legal support.
- E-queue for verification (when a user applies for verification he/she is authorized according to account number and can choose date and time for verification).
- Video registration of verification process (real-time video and audio recording of a verification process keeps effective staff performance).
- Documents of users are kept in electronic form (all documents are stored the database in binary code and can be copied or deleted).
- Verification is performed in one window, any service can be automatically recalculated for definite period of time, history of changes is logged, a user can get the information for any day.
- Reporting forms can be modified depending the purpose of a report.
Competition advantages::
- Calculation of consumed volumes regarding losses.
- Calculation is on individual or house metering devices.
- Settlements with utility services providers.
- Complete cycle of work with debtors, including legal support.
- Payments processing and bilateral clearing with banks control.
- Building optimal itineraries for servicing adjacent groups of users.
- Each house accounting distributes losses among users' bills.
- Personnel duties and performance control.
- E-queue.
- Verification process video registration.
- Users' documents are stored in electronic archives.
- Verification reports for any given period with automatic recalculation and saved changes history.