Balance building
Everybody needs balance. Energy providers have already had it, water and gas providers are about to have and heat operators are planning to have it in future. But few providers know how to do it properly.
How calculate the balance? First of all we collect all readings form all ingoing meters in the beginning and end of the balance period, calculate the volume of resource and to do the same procedure in outgoing meters. After comparing in and out information we get our unbalance. It's simple.
How can we get a date of beginning and end date? Doing interpolation and extrapolation analysis only. Megabilling system calculates these values for individuals and Megaprom for industrial consumers. Then using continuous numbering of feeders (pipelines) three systems automatically downloaded into "Distribution network" system where based on mathematical model of actual network the ingoing values will be calculated and the unit balance will be calculated as well (unbalance value) taking into account all feeders of the system.

The more balanced sources you have the better picture of unbalanced distribution you get. Meters - are expensive, there is a constant lack of them and the readings should be constantly taken. With a limited number of metering devices mathematical model of actual network built with "Distribution network" application allows calculation of readings of a virtual device located anywhere in the system and exact localization saves time for improving unbalance.

АAnd how is it done in other systems? It's simple. Financial reports are taken for a certain period of consumption, data are summed up and compared with supplied volumes at installation of main metering device of the unit. That is all Due to the fact that individuals and industrial consumers could report for several months at the same time the balance will not be correct. As physics say "hard tasks have simple and incorrect solutions". If meters are absent Inside the network the balance cannot be formed, because there is no mathematical model and total balance for all company is useless for these purposes.
System is designed for:
Our software application is for energy accounting in power distribution network. This software has database which is maintained in actual condition both by an energy providing company and by personnel working in distribution zone. The system is the missing link between consuming and technical services of distribution zone, the system allows analyzing of distribution of energy currents in the networks and solves the following tasks:
- Informs on total volume of energy supplied through power transporting organization network with detailed information about inputs.
- Informs on sold energy volumes with detailed information on certain inputs of power supply organization: substations, feeders, lines etc.
- Sets the volumes of energy transit with detailed information about certain inputs, licensees and other players of national energy grid.
- Defining the volumes of technological losses in power supplying organization with information about certain inputs and detailed information either on regulations or methods taking into account necessary equipment.
- Defining volumes of commercial losses with information about on certain connection points.
System peculiarities:
- Integration with the software on industrial consumers servicing excludes data repetition, minimizes typing errors, implements unified approach to same tasks solving.
- Integration with software for individuals allows automated alignment of supplied energy information with information on total global system of power supply organization.
- Consolidated data volumes on supplied to industrial companies, individuals or other licensees fixed on objects for energy supplying organizations provides opportunity to above all form verification reports for energy transited between energy market players.
- Forming of total balance and selling is done due to comprehensive approach to accounted data analysis.
- Interpolation system helps to instantly calculate balances during necessary time periods.
- The system can calculate either at given time from metering point or from metering points for dates other than dates of verification.