Pesonnel training
«Train hard, fight easy»
A. Suvorov - Russian Field Marshall
Scope of training ncludes all possible options of work and real life situations. Training is carried out in the special laboratory with training database on server. An ordinary up-to-date PC can be used as a server for training laboratory.

Training laboratory has all necessary equipment for each trainee, including peripheral equipment. Number of PCs in LAN can be from 8 to 24. The laboratory also has an overhead projector, a screen, a microphone and a laser pointer.
Groups of trainees are formed according to duties they will have to perform. Each group has its own curricula and test assignments. The number of trainees depends on the total number of trainees and laboratory capacity.
Curriculum and schedule are prepared after groups formed and accommodation is over. Curriculum has theoretical and practical material and exercises for individual work. At the end of training course trainees do the test and the trainer evaluates it by putting marks. Trainees who failed to pass the test have to run re-course.
A special attention is devoted apart from technical skills to effective mastering of technology based on examples of processes. Group of system administrators can carry out further technological control, as a rule this group consists of software developers of the company who are aware of sales department operations and general legal requirements.
Length of training is from 4 to 6 days.
We should remember, that to achieve effect of economic feasibility from implementing a billing system in a service provider depends directly on personnel competence. If personnel does not understand tasks and objectives we will not achieve desired economic feasibility even if using the latest system of outstanding capacity.