New technologies, new opportunities

As experience shows, efforts made by personnel of the selling department to collect funds for supplied services don't very often bring considerable results. The reason is in out of date or not effective approach to selling department technologies. To solve this issue we started developing effective technology solutions to provide selling department with up-to-date toolkit.

Many years of work have resulted in a unique set of solutions which accumulated best experience of domestic and foreign software developers and the best practice of selling departments of the largest the USA and Europe companies.
Competition advantages of the system

- System belongs to the turn key solutions. It can be quickly deployed. Customer has complete information and understanding what he will get at the end.
- One of the fastest systems in the world – fast and stable operation with huge data volumes.
- All recalculations are done automatically for any period of time, can calculate both: forwards and backwards. Option to recalculate non accurate calculations of the past periods and get accurate data about users' debt.
- Precision of calculations – is guaranteed there are no errors in calculations.
- Records everything – data cannot be deleted completely.
- Transparent calculations – gives all formulas automatically.
- Can provide full array of services via Internet automatically no operators required, including re-calculations if clients give actual readings of the meters.
- All reports are stored and easy to find , the report constructor is built in the system.
- The system administrationis done automatically according to set scenario. The system is easy to use and requires no special skills.
- Reports constructing and administration of the system requires no special skills.
- All systems properties are presented in the form of reference guides and glossaries.
- It has built-in BI and CRM , supports the e-signatures, e-queue etc.
- Automatic audio and video record of communication with consumers, e-archives of documentation.
- Stable and fast performance on low-speed lines via Internet and LAN.
- Absolutely reliable – has worked continuously for years no stops and faults, 24х7, no lagging.
- Virus free, requires no IPS on workstations.
- Data have multi level protection of unauthorized access.
- Easy to combine with other systems – advanced import/export functions for data.
- Wide scaling of the system is done by functions and authorities distribution.
- Protected from errors done by operators inputting initial data, which is crucial for large companies with big number of staff and data volume. Gives warning notices on attempt to input contradictory or non-correct date.
- System has been under international audit inspections several times, the system itself, calculations and quality showed good results.
The system helps to solve certain business issues

- Nontransparent calculation mechanism, errors, re-calculation complexity all these issues do not built customers trust, lead to complaints, ruin company's reputation, make work with customers difficult.
The system is completely transparent in calculations, calculation algorithm conforms to all requirements of the Russian Federation, all calculation formulas can be shown on demand, the system doe all re-calculations automatically, instantly and for any given time period. The system is almost free from errors of utility services calculations. - Errors in calculations for communal use.
If data of consumer' meters are absent, the system generates calculations automatically and when consumers input the data the system makes instant re-calculation which gives more precise value of communal use. - Issues on the RF law On disclosing calculation information.
Consumers shall not object the calculation quality. The system provides a all information necessary for control of provider and consumer via Internet, the access rights depend on level of authorization. - Queues in offices and cash desks, not enough offices, lack of PCs, low quality of service.
There is no need to visit offices. The system provides all DIY service via SMS or Internet, no operators required. Th system provides automatic service for all enquiries and substitutes major part of personnel. If the need arises the appointment can be made via Internet using the e-queue service. - Conflicts and bad service of personnel in offices.
Continuous service quality control, video and audio recording of every operator using web-cams in-situ. Master-class on real-case examples for service improvement. - Offices depend on customers location.
All issues can be solved in one office. A customer can be serviced in any office irrelevant of residential address due to central database and unified information system of initial registration documents. - Lack of qualified personnel, misuse of functions.
The system is common-errors protected. Operators are not required special qualification and total loyalty. Principles of forming customers electronic books facilitate personnel and customers' understanding of calculation mechanism and utility services costs. To process calculations no operator required. All calculations are done automatically based on initial data. Initial data are verified by scan-copies of initial registration documents. The system controls calculated results in comparison with initial documents edited by operators. - Personnel low performance.
The system supports effective business processes, allows performance control, records personal history of penalties and rewards for the personnel, forms personnel pool. - High losses, low sales.
Stock taking of early accrued amounts, absence of unknown calculations, possibility of additional accrual during a day serve to improve sales and lower. Payment receipts, SMS, Internet notices provide verification of payments. History keeping on devices' inspections, seals, monitoring of consumption ups and downs lower losses. - Issues with debts connected with limitation of actions.
Option to re-calculate amortization of early debt, no gaps in information of debt clearance prevents the possibility of limitation of action. - Break of accounting and billing system. Unknown debts emerged.
The system of enclosed financial reports from a balance list to personal account, recurrence of reports, every-day balance keeping technology, control of financial flow allows to maintain true financial data and prevent break between accountability and billing system data.