Queue management

No queue for verification is possible in two cases: when a company do not require consumers to pay debts or consumers trust the company. In other cases there is a queue and it means that the company operates actively. Queue – id a normal situation. But nobody likes queuing. It is impossible to cancel verifications, otherwise the customer will dodge to pay debt. We can only guess how much a company can lose not to mention a ruined policy of a company.
To increase the number of operator is one of the ways to solve the issue, but this requires extra costs and will not be effective at idle hours.

The other way is to make load for the personnel smooth. Such a type of queue management is effective due to integration with the billing system.

Queue management

Queue management
List of tasks performed by the system:
- E-queue;
- preliminary appointment arrangement;
- making appointment via Internet;
- queue management;
- keeping of repeated visits;
- uniting queues into one;
- appointment arrangement with information on the debt amount;
- no double queuing;
- personal accounts management;
- collecting reasons of addressing the office;
- control over settled issues;
- time of waiting control;
- time of service control.
Delivery set:

Queue management
- touch screen booth printing receipts;
- information screen showing e-queue;
- software;
- installation and testing work on the client's location;
- personnel training.
Besides queuing via terminal there is an option to queue via Internet - after login into personal account E-store of utility services.